Hosk’s Top CRM articles of the week 14th March 2014

Here is my weekly list of the best CRM blogs/articles/videos I have consumed this week.  This are so good they get the double thumbs up from the Fonz

Article of the week
I will start with my blog article of the week other wise known as a double thumber.  It’s from Gonzalo Ruiz and is a great document on things to look out for when upgrading from CRM 2011 to CRM 2013 and what’s more this is only half of the tips
Congratulations Gonzalo, a big virtual pat on the back is flying through cyberspace as we speak

Gonzalo Ruiz writes a great post on OUTER JOIN QUERIES IN CRM 2013
one of the things I really like about Gonzalo Ruiz’s blog is my blog is one of his favourites, oh and also he has some great blog posts on there

Adjusting CRM 2013 Field Label Sizes.  This is a question that pops up on the CRM forums all the time and it will be of interest if you are shuffling fields around the form and get into a bit of trouble

CRM MVP Jukkan shows us what delights CRM has lined up on its roadmap for 2014

CRM MVP Question and Answer – Andrii Butenko


How to setup the aging process of your case ticket/call and use workflows to push the ticket along and it’s all done in CRM 2013


The top tools in CRM 2013 but none other than me also known as “The Hosk”

Upgrading a CRM 2011 form to CRM 2013, it’s going to be something everyone will have to at some time, so read this blog to see the pain points before you start
Best Practices in ADFS Claims Authentication.  A presentation from CRM MVP Chris Cognetta, whose name not only sounds like a fast motorbike but also allows him to speed down the tricky road of ADFS.  He also has filled out out the CRM MVP Q&A yet, so please nag him about this for me.  This is very comprehensive and is a 50 page pdf slide tour


Importing Attachments with Notes in Microsoft CRM! Its seems crazy that this would work but if it does it’s genius


Impossibly fantastic collection of CRM 2013 resources that sometimes looks like an xml page if you open it in Chrome from tweeting machine Donna Edwards

Very technical description of setting up your CRM 2013 dev environment


Do you pine for the CRM 2011 days when a save happened only when you pressed the save button and you could easily check for duplicates but now you live in CRM 2013 world were everything is saved every 30 seconds even if you are only half way through typing a value.  Well CRM MVP Jason Lattimer’s duplicate detection solution is the one for you

Here are some common questions about how multiple async servers work and share the workload.  Here are all the async service questions you were too afraid to ask

What’s that you want to know the optimal settings for IE and CRM 2013, ahh well read the article below then

 explains how multiple currencies work in CRM and tells about the various currencies settings in CRM.


finally I would like to remind you that this week I start a CRM Dev youtube channel, so if you are interesting in videos and CRM Development this is the place for you
Hosk’s Microsoft Dynamic CRM Development

I did write a blog post about it here if you are haven’t had enough of reading about CRM

Hosk’s Microsoft Dynamic CRM Development Youtube channel is up and shuffling along

I have decided to create a separate CRM Development channel and it’s up and running , so all aboard and hope on the Hosky Development Bus.  I wouldn’t get too excited yet because there isn’t anything useful on the channel yet, one video of me roughly and rather too quickly saying what the channel is going to be about and another of me mucking up trying to do that in my slippers!

Hosk dev channel

To be honest this is just me practicing and getting my head round the process and the technology and taking a few baby steps in the right direction.  I will start with the more useful video’s next week and I hope you will join me.   Before you throw you hands up in the air and shout “what’s this?, this isn’t CRM Development Hosk you big fat liar”.  Please remember someone asked about me doing this on Monday, someone else on Tuesday, I created the LinkedIn group (please join up) on Tuesday, the YouTube channel on Wednesday and have been investigating software and webcams since then.

I would also suggest it will take me a few videos to get better at the process, for some reason as soon as the webcam starts you feel a plonker, thoughts change from coherent logic to random unrelated thoughts and at the moment my speech goes faster and squeaker!  But remember it’s not where you are but where you are going and I will improve with regular videos.

On a positive note I have been greatly encouraged by the comments made by people and the appetite people seem to have for a CRM development channel, this if nothing else will encourage me to produce some hopefully useful video’s.

So the channel is here


youtube also create a google plus page


google plus page

Here are the video’s, you should get some idea that this channel is going to be Informal and often done in slippers

I thought I would add this video because it made me laugh and it’s always good to laugh on a Friday